Willock, Manchester England

My experience of the project was defintly nothing like what I had expected.  I beleive it has been a once in a lifetime experience because never again will I be in the same place at the same time with the same people. I have learnt so much whilst being here that I hope will help me alot in my life. I have enjoyed meeting so many people. The main thing I will miss about African culture is that everyone is genuinly friendly and welcoming even to strangers they meet on the street! I have enjoyed learning lots about the country and the culture which I think is only possible if you live in one place for a long time and interact so closely with local people.

At the beginning I defintly tried to do the same espcially when faced with teaching a class of children in a language I didn’t understand! However the challenge was defintly a good thing because I am proud of some things I have accomplished here which I would have avoided attempting if I had been given the chance. For example after my first session in Banguoa I never would have thought I would be able to teach three hours of class alone to frenchh speakers but I managed to by the end! In terms of practical skills I have learnt how to talk in front of a group of people without feeling terrified and that I must speak much slower and clearer when talking to a group of people. I have learnt about the kind of management style I have when given the oppertunity. Being team leader for English was a challenge because I found it difficullt to order people I consider friends to do things but I have learnt that if the ultimate reponsibility for the task falls to you you have to do everything possible to make sure it is completed.
Volunteer Summer 2012
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