Every Child is Ours project

Today, there are estimated over 143 million orphans in the world.  That  is  enough  children  to  go  three  times  around  the  world  at  the equator. The study indicates that the child poverty rate in Cameroon was 46.02% in 2007. Furthermore there exist disparities in the incidence of poverty within the country; households with children in rural areas are six times as likely to be at risk of poverty as compared with households with children in urban areas. In terms of deprivation, 64% of all children in Cameroon experience at least one form of severe deprivation, the most frequent of which is access to housing. Additionally, 30% of children lack access to food; 30% of children are deprived of access to information; and 20% of education. The situation of deprivation is significantly worse in rural areas. Therefore, one of the recommendations from the study is to focus on poverty reduction in the northern regions and rural areas, in order to address the significant geographic disparities in the country.  Many  NGO’s  are  doing  their  best  to  help those  children  in  needs  whether  by  running  activities,  or  running orphanages  which  are  taking  care  of  them.  There are also various programs that are run such as sponsoring a child, training them, giving soft skills formation.

Robert, Germany for IT lesson  at RUPEI


Is a project based on participation of our volunteer worldwide to kids’ education but mostly concerned target are deprive children in orphanages and school where most of student are from very poor families.

The project is run twice a year:

–          Round 1: February and March

–          Round 2: October and November

Linda in Bangoua

For the first edition help from February 11th to April 1st 2013, We received internationals from Brazil, Germany who worked to deliver good experience to Orphans and other deprived children in Bangoua (Linda from Germany), In Kumba (Martha and Marita from Austria and Germany), in Yaounde (Robert, Ana from Germany and Ana from Brazil). The project reached about 300 childrens that benefited various trainings on social issues, health, IT, sport and received donations (clothes, ball, soft baby, books, shoes, tooth brushes and pastes…) We also carry out a big donation from a supporter in Germany with Blackboard, waste bac, building of sport area…

We wish the upcoming rounds will be more impactfull.

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