Posts Tagged With: Great experience

Kamila Simkova, Czeck Republic

I did come to Yaounde earlier, so I had opportunity to create my own sessions. Thanks to this a learned a lot about specific topics. There were also held sessions for interns about various topics which should be delivered in the villages, which were really interesting for me. I was co facilitator in many sessions during my stay in Bangoua, also reporter, evaluator and timekeeper for many times. Then I participated in community work and football tournament – it was really interesting experience for me.

Before I came to Cameroon, I expected cultural shock, totally different life style, interaction with people from different environment and cultural background, as well as participation on the project and working in team with people from all over the world. So far, I can say that all of my expectations were fulfilled.

I would really recommend this country to other interns because I learned really lot about different culture and even about myself.

Volunteer Summer 2011

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Sabrina lim siew lee, Malaysia

“…I had been in the project for 57days, arrive earlier at Yaounde to prepare for the project. Attended Train the Trainer program. Team leader of CSR subject in charge of 6 members. Facilitator and co facilitator, reporter of Health , Entrepreneurship, English, IT and Community works. Personally, I had learn how to communicate and work along with groups of interns and local members although there was a huge diverse in culture and understanding, but I manage to resolve any conflict that potential come out in my communication. Besides, I had met a lot of local people and learn some french. I heard their story and it was very meaningful for me because I would never imagine I can heard that in my country. Beside, I had been living with my host family before the project period begin, and I tast every single bit of Cameroonian life style there, and now I had better understanding of Africa culture…”

 Volunteer Summer 2011
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Jean Sebastion Canada

“…Les nombreux commentaires positifs et les témoignages concrets d’appréciation des gens qui ont assisté à nos cours m’ont vraiment fait chaud au cœur et donné le sentiment d’avoir accompli quelque chose qui avait beaucoup de valeur à leurs yeux. La satisfaction personnelle que j’en ai retirée efface complètement tous les petits pépins rencontrés en cour de route. Ces pépins sont, entre autres, la planification des activités reliés à l’enseignement qui était souvent fait à la dernière minute et aux aléas logistiques qui n’ont pas semblé tourner en notre faveur.
Je souhaitais également connaître la façon de travailler des Camerounais, ayant déjà connu la façon de faire américaine et canadienne. Bien que parfois très différente et souvent difficile à comprendre pour quelqu’un ayant vécu plus d’un quart de siècle avec «the american way», j’ai su m’adapter tranquillement aux imprévus et à l’inconnu de l’instant présent auxquels les gens du Cameroun semblent tous habitués.
Cette autre vision des choses que j’ai apprise au Cameroun me sera bénéfique à mon retour car j’aurai en effet, moi-même, une vision différente des réalités auxquelles je suis exposé depuis ma naissance…”
Volunteer Summer 2011
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